Well hello there :D
If you saw my last post, you know that I am absolutely obsessed with spring and am so ready...but alas on the crummy East Coast it is like 30 degrees or less outside! So today I was forced to wear black and warm boots to work when I want to be decked in lace!
***Weather is my worse enemy***
But anyway, on to my random post of the day.
This one is a bit different, as it concerns my room. I hesitate to call it a room tour though since it's just one corner of my room...but also happens to be the only corner/wall that actually has stuff going on ; D
So here's what it looks like:
So here's the semi blurry overview. And it is actually neat and clean(ish) *shock*
Hidden in there is a secret though :) There is almost no actual furniture in my room! I moved here while I was still in college, and so didn't need any furniture since I was never home, and then I moved to California. Although I have obviously moved back, I still want to travel more and so don't want to be bogged down by silly furniture. So what is holding everything up?
You can probably see the trays on the left holding up the vase of flowers and pink boxes, but as for the white "piece"...

Boxes!!! Specifically from peopod where my mom orders groceries lol. I like them a lot since I can use them as storage AND stack them as makeshift furniture :D

I also have white bins that I stacked to make it more even, plus more storage! Then I just took some white sheet thingie (I don't even know what it is xD) and covered it to make it look halfway decent.
Final product:
Stable (ish) desk space! All I did was add a chair and decorations:

My makeup/vanity area with makeup and brushes
Hope this inspires some ideas on making make shift furniture...
or inspired you to buy actual furniture :D
Also, I've been having computer issues lately...so I hope I can still update as much as I can. I've gotten the "blue screen of death" with those cryptic white words literally 4 times now...and every time I turn on my poor laptop I fear it will be the last. Kind of dramatic, but this laptop has been with me through so many crappy times and also one of the greatest of my life...Japan! Plus it has all of my purikura (photo booth photos) on it as well as cutesy Rilakkuma stickers!!! How could I part with such a machine?
If it does die though, I wonder if I should get a new laptop or go for the galaxy note II (which I've been drooling over for months now). Decisions decisions.
But Anyways,
Love Always,
Sierra Anastasia