Thursday, April 18, 2013

♦First time for everything♦

So it's been a while again *insert usual excuses here*
But I'm back and with something I've been promising :)


So I only had time to take photos twice, both on pretty casual days. But I have to start somewhere right?
Enough talking (or typing) though ya, and here are the pix:
***Disclaimer: Ignore my giant hands....they are giant***

Outfit one: 
Lace trim cardigan: Ann Taylor
Zip pocket t-shirt: H&M
Ankle Studded Leggings: Marshalls
Watch: Ross
Anchor Bracelets: Forever 21
Black diamond earrings: Forever 21

Outfit two:
Love one piece sweater: Fashion Q
Ankle studded leggings: Marshalls
Nude heels: Payless
Gold chain necklace: Laila Rowe
Watch: Ross
Anchor Bracelets: Forever 21
Black diamond earrings: Forever 21

And a picture of me new nail design (finally decided to get acrylic/gel nails again after more nail breaks)...

Lots of pink and glittah! Not exactly the way I wanted them, but it'll do. 

Hopefully this post was semi interesting although they were pretty basic coordinates/outfits. I will try harder to take more vigilant pix of my work outfits *promise* I am actually in the middle of changing my style a bit. I always like different styles but tend to over wear my favorite. So instead of doing overly girly and lacy things, I'm moving toward a more mature/minimalist (but not really lol)/mod style. My next haul will give a better picture of what I mean...especially since it's filled with jewels!

Oh! and yes, my blog design changed once again lol. I'm currently obsessed with cute kittens (greatly inspired by my cat ear headband and a new purchase being shown soon!)

But for now,

Love and cat licks,

Sierra Anastasia

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hanami & Haul

Hi hi everyone!

Just a bit of a fun update/haul. 
First things first, to get into the spring mood...I present sakura (cherry blossoms):

 Mini Sakura forest...sadly only a few areas were in bloom yet.
 Ooooooh ya, close up
 Sky and tree views
 Everyone enjoying nice weather and pretty blossoms

Feeling springtime yet? I dragged myself to go see them bloom (finally!!!) today...and only spent literally 5, maybe 10 minutes taking pictures before I left. I am ridiculously allergic to these things, and even being there for that short a time and wearing my face mask, I am still drained! Those pretty evil things must have still gotten into my system! Can never trust sakura lol

But all in all it was worth it!It was my first time seeing the flowers in DC (I saw them once before in Japan...complete torture lol they were everywhere!). Oh! And the metro station (at Smithsonian) had sakura stickers on the fair gates. Very helpful since I had no clue if I was going to the right place or not :)
Feel bad for tourists these past few weeks though that had come to see them, but alas it was too cold for them to come out yet. If you're ever near DC around this time you should definitely go see them! Just be careful...they can cause horrible least to some.

On to my mini haul...I am currently obsessed with green!
And not just any green, but light, bright, and pastel greens. They just scream spring and create a very mature, sophisticated style.
I know. I know. These two are practically the same color...and actually I think they are...but I love this color!
On the left is a silk camper shirt version while the right is a casual sweater version with buttons down the back. Both totally necessary right?

And then complimentary jewelry. 
I don't really wear silver jewelry (actually never), but I couldn't resist this matching set! They remind me of something the Queen of England might wear...and so I call them my crown jewels (I'm such a dork). 
But I like these with the green shirts for a more mature Korean style look (If you don't know what I mean by that go watch some Korean dramas!).

All four of those were from Ann Taylor. Lastly are just two things I ordered from Ebay eons ago. 
These two are more Japanese style items *yaaaay*

Out of pure laziness I am just going to use the product page photos from the Ebay sellers (boo me). 
The first is a Liz Lisa tote bag that came in a magazine. Most of the free bags in magazines are the little lunch size totes but soooo happy this one is full size! It fits so much inside and I love just tossing crap around in it
Cat Ear (neko mimi) Headband!!! I absolutely looooooove it. It's way out there...and when I wear it I always forget and wonder why people are staring lol. But it's okay, it's such a great accessory and super adorbs!

Well that's it for today. 
This has been the hardest post to make so far. So drowsy from being outside...spring kinda sucks in that way eh?

More soon, 

Sierra Anastasia

Friday, April 5, 2013

Marching On

I was doing so good! 
And then work got busy, which means that life got super boring/mundane.

But I'm back to give more blah updates with a splash of obsessions (basically what I was up to).
First things first...Nikita!!! I've been watching it non stop in my free time on Netflix. It's so action-y and completely awesome!!! I watched the entire first season within two weeks and am almost done with the second :)

Second obsession...and perhaps quite reading. Don't get me wrong, reading is extremely important (I feel my English getting better already) and totes awesome, but it's the book I'm reading. *Shameful sigh* Sherlock Holmes. This is a book I randomly bought in Japan before I left to go home. I wanted something to read while on the plane (which failed btw) but anyway, now two years later I finally picked it up again and I'm addicted! I like to read it on the way to and from work and basically anywhere else I can sit and focus. 
The book itself is just a compilation of many of his mysteries/stories and is so interesting! But I find myself imagining him looking like Robert Downy Junior from the films lol...dunno if that's a serious problem or not?

Whew...ok time for last obsession!


Gummy bears you say?
No! The fab Gummy from YG family of course :) I have loved her since her mini album a few years back, and now she has a new Japanese mini album *yaaaaay*
The title or single track is Shinjiteru, which I think is being used in some drama or movie. To be honest I paid no attention to that but just sat and repeated the short 2 minutes of the song in her mv.
After about a week or two of that the album is finally out and it's great!
Always love her soulful and elegant voice.

And even more soul and emotion can be found in Lee Hi's new song and mv, Rose.
I am really a huge fan of the new star because she's so cute (and awkward on programs) and nice. Doesn't hurt that she's also YG (they seriously do a great job). But anyway, enough's the vid :)

Ok, I think that will be it for tonight.
Sorry if there are more typos than usual, I have a dangerous mix of sleepy/tiredness going on as well as a new set of claws. I would take a pic of the nails, but frankly I don't really like them. The guy did a pretty hack job and they didn't have rhinestones or pearls (what tha?!). So epic amounts of glitter had to try to make up for it. And even if they were drop dead gorge, my phone is seriously on the fritz and well, I find it easier not to use it unless absolutely necessary lol.

But until next time,
Peace and love,

Sierra Anastasia